If you were doing a mid-season grade... where would David Perez fit in the Rangers system? "The Rangers system just happens to be stupid with depth." - Jason Parks, 7/14/11
-Perez I’d probably give him a B- right now. I don’t know where that would rank him, I’d have to look at the rest of the system in detail.
by John Sickels on Jul 16, 2011 3:06 PM EDT up reply actions
Colby Rasmus More of a player development question: how big of a problem is the seemingly ongoing interference by Rasmus’ dad in his hitting development?
by 4dizzle on Jul 16, 2011 12:12 PM EDT reply actions.
-Colby i have not followed the situation closely enough to comment on this. I knew it was considered an issue earlier in his career, but I haven’t payed attention to this since he reached the majors.
I will say this. Parental interference, especially for guys coming out of high school, is something that I think is pretty common, but we usually don’t hear about until the problem gets VERY out of control.
Josh Sale I realize he has little pro stats to go by but what are your thoughts on his potential ceiling and chance he hits it?
-Sale Well so far his batting average has been pretty crappy in the Appy League, but 21 games isn’t enough to get all panicked about a .187 average. He’s drawing walks and showing good isolated power,which fits the pre-season scouting reports about his skills just fine. …power and patience, he’s showing that. He’s the equivalent of a college freshman, keep in mind. Ceiling is the same as it was before, a guy who can mash 30 homers and draw a bunch of walks, but beyond that we just need more data.
3b Short and medium terms: Gyorko, Cuthbert, Salcedo, Flores
Long Term: Cuthbert, Salcedo, Gyorko, Flores
Edward Salcedo Edward Salcedo is finally starting to hit like the scouts said he would. How has his performance this year affected your opinion of him; what do you predict for him in the future?
-salcedo Well, it has improved my opinion, LOL.
I think I would go with a strong Grade B depending on what the exact end-of-season scouting reports indicate. B+ not impossible. I had him a B- pre-season.
Oscar Hernandez Give me something.
-I would say this: VSL and DSL statistics have not proven to me that they are especially predictive. That said, he IS tearing the place up, but unfortunately I don’t have anything on him that isn’t public knowledge
Derek Norris Still the Nationals’ catcher of the future?
by ArbeeEye on Jul 16, 2011 1:07 PM EDT reply actions
-norris Well….I still think Norris could become Mickey Tettleton (look him up if you don’t remember him) but his defense has regressed some and he may be TOO patient at the plate. Might need a switch of organizations evnetually.
Anthony Ranaudo Do his struggles this year in High A change your projection of him at all? I have heard ace to #3 starter before the struggles, I am wondering the High A struggles have changed any of that. Thanks
-ranaudo He’s been erratic but I don’t think “struggle” is quite the right word. I wouldnt’ change my opinion yet, not based on eight starts.